Pavel Durov, the visionary founder of the popular messaging application Telegram, recently made a groundbreaking announcement regarding the company’s financial status. In a statement released on Monday, Durov revealed that Telegram has reached a significant milestone by becoming a profitable entity. This news came as a pleasant surprise to many industry experts and loyal users of the platform.
Durov disclosed that Telegram has managed to generate an impressive aggregate revenue exceeding $1 billion in the year 2024. This remarkable achievement comes on the heels of the company’s introduction of a premium subscription service in 2022, which has garnered a substantial following of 12 million paid subscribers. These paid users have contributed significantly to the app’s financial success and have enabled Telegram to amass over $500 million in financial reserves by the end of the year.
Furthermore, Durov made a noteworthy announcement regarding the company’s debt obligations. He revealed that Telegram had issued approximately $2 billion in debt bonds over the past four years. However, the company took advantage of favorable market conditions this autumn to repay a significant portion of its debt, demonstrating its commitment to sound financial management. Despite this progress, Durov acknowledged that there is still much work to be done to ensure the company’s long-term financial stability.
In an interview with the Financial Times earlier this year, Durov hinted at the company’s future plans, which include a potential initial public offering (IPO). He expressed confidence that Telegram would achieve profitability by 2025, paving the way for a successful public listing. This ambitious goal reflects Durov’s unwavering dedication to exploring new opportunities for growth and expansion.
Over the years, Telegram has introduced innovative features to enhance the user experience and attract a broader audience. The platform has rolled out services tailored for businesses, such as an ad revenue sharing program and paid content options for creators on channels. Additionally, Telegram recently launched a micro app store, offering users a curated selection of mini-applications to further enrich their messaging experience.
With a staggering 950 million monthly active users worldwide, Telegram has solidified its position as one of the leading messaging platforms in the market. The platform’s user-friendly interface, robust security features, and commitment to privacy have endeared it to a diverse audience of individuals and businesses alike. As the company continues to evolve and grow, it remains focused on providing a seamless and secure communication platform for its users.
In conclusion, Pavel Durov’s announcement of Telegram’s profitability marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey towards financial success. With a strong foundation built on innovation, entrepreneurship, and user-centric design, Telegram is poised to achieve even greater heights in the years to come. As Durov and his team continue to drive the company forward, users can look forward to new features, services, and opportunities that will further elevate their messaging experience on Telegram.